Friday, February 19, 2010

Fess Up Friday

I could probably write an entire book on the imperfections of my homemaking skills... but since this one is still fresh on my mind, I'll share my Mardi Gras Pancake flop.
Having seen some gorgeous rainbow pancakes featured on Ohdeedoh a few weeks ago, I thought that Pancake Tuesday would be the perfect time to try them out. I don't like to use too much food colouring on a regular basis, so I really like to make a big deal out of special occasions.
They turned out beautifully. I think next time, I would cook them on a lower heat so they didn't brown so much - it took away from the food colouring a bit.
So... here's where the flop comes in. The girls sit down for a great picture..
... but then they take a bite. YUCK!
I had accidentally put in two tablespoons of baking powder, instead of one! Oops.
So, after all of that, we ended up eating leftover roast beef.
At least the picture is perfect!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines and Family Day

We had a great Valentines day this year. The boy was away for the beginning of the weekend at his paternal grandparents house... so it was me, Mr Joy and the girls.
I had originally planned for the girls to help with breakfast, but they didn't come when called, so they missed out. Mr Joy was happy to step in.

It's a little hard to tell in the picture, but the pancakes we made were pink with chocolate chips - heart shaped, of course.

I also had a few valentines treats for them, including 'ring pop' type suckers that had big plastic lips on the end, making them extra-smootchable.

Then for Family day, we just relaxed. We watched the Olympics on TV, and played board games. My favourite right now is the Harry Potter edition of Clue. Although.... it's hard to play with an eleven year old boy who 'forgets' about cards in his deck.